Henry Browne, an African American farmer, and his family are profiled in this film. The important job of a farmer during times of war is highlighted, specifically his efforts growing peanuts and cotto...
2,921 viewsPassion and Memory is a 1 hour television documentary based on Donald Bogles seminal book on Black film, Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films...
2,668 viewsClassic video companion to the million selling book series by Jawanza Kunjufu is still relevant 3 decades later. Presented for historical purposes. Find all of Mr. Kunjufu's books, audio and vi...
3,300 viewsMaafa21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America, is a documentary film produced by Life Dynamics Inc. that reveals how eugenics and population control has systematically been used to reduce Black b...
4,490 viewsTHE G-MAN INTERVIEWS: BARRY BRADFORD President’s Award Recipient and Acclaimed Historian Explains Why Every American Should Know About the Events **FAIR USE NOTICE** These Videos May Conta...
3,428 viewsThe Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated pogrom on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of whites attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Greenwood District, the wea...
2,446 viewsALSO WATCH — August 1, 2020 Marcus Garvey Virtual Forum: 100th Anniversary of Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World. Watch on IBW21.org — https://ibw21.org/events/080120-marcus-mosiah-garve...
1,792 viewsRoots of racial disparities are seen through a new lens in this film that explores the origins of housing segregation in the Minneapolis area. But the story also illustrates how African-American famil...
2,548 viewsDrama about the hiring of the first white-collar African American worker at a manufacturing plant. Produced by President's Committee on Government Contracts. Featuring Ed Asner, Lou Gossett, Clar...