Two Societies | 1965–1968 (America's Civil Rights Movement) | 8 of 14


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Two Societies (1965-68) Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) come north to help Chicago's civil rights leaders in . Produced by Blackside, Eyes.

Power! (1966-68) The call for Black Power takes various forms across communities in black America. In Cleveland, Carl Stokes wins election as the first black . Produced by Blackside, Eyes.

In the North, segregation was not law. White and black communities segregated themselves. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) come north to help.

The Promised Land (1967-68) Martin Luther King stakes out new ground for himself and the rapidly fragmenting civil rights movement. One year before his death . Produced by Black
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