I can’t breathe: “This is what history sounds like to us,” Stan Grant | Four Corners


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“I can’t breathe.” The last words of unarmed black American man, George Floyd, have been heard around the world.

Mr Floyd’s death, under the knee of a white police officer, unleashed a wave of grief and anger across America.

That wave reached Australia’s shores with thousands of Australians coming out to protest in support of our Indigenous community.

In this deeply personal story, Stan Grant gives voice to the frustration and hurt that has defined the life experience of so many Indigenous Australians and explores why the death of George Floyd resonates so profoundly.

"In those words of a man dying at the hands of a white policeman, I hear my history. It is a history of racism; of invasion and colonisation; of my ancestors in chains; of my family locked up and beaten; of stolen children, poverty and neglect. George Floyd has given voice to the voiceless," Stan Grant said.

Read more: https://ab.co/2ZnnLIg


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